Thursday, October 19, 2017

Fighting for Hardworking Americans’ Hard-Earned Wages


Lower Taxes, Higher Wages: A Tax Plan Made in America, for America
President Donald J. Trump's tax reform initiatives will save Americans' hard-earned dollars by dramatically cutting the Federal corporate income tax rate, which also promotes higher wages. Under the Unified Framework for Tax Reform, the "offshoring model" will no longer deposit American dollars overseas, instead using those dollars to bolster the American economy.

Learn more about what the Trump Administration's tax reform plan can do for you and your family.

Bipartisan Cooperation for Real Change in the American Tax Code
Yesterday, President Trump held a meeting at the White House with Senators from the bipartisan Senate Finance Committee. The group discussed tax cuts and reform and the President stressed the urgent need to deliver tax relief for the middle class by simplifying the burdensome tax code. "The vast majority of Americans will be able to file their taxes on a single sheet of paper," President Trump said. "Because not only will these be massive tax cuts, but these will be a big simplification." President Trump and the Administration look forward to future bipartisan cooperation in order to provide tangible results for the American people.

Watch President Trump's opening remarks.

Second Lady Karen Pence Announces Art Therapy Platform
Yesterday, Second Lady Karen Pence visited Florida State University in Tallahassee to announce her initiative titled Art Therapy: Healing with the HeART. Florida State University is home to a nationally acclaimed art therapy graduate education program. Following her announcement, Mrs. Pence visited Canopy Cove Eating Disorder Treatment Center to speak with therapists and clients about their experience with art therapy. In an article published Wednesday, Mrs. Pence shared her story of learning about art therapy and selecting it for her platform.

Watch the video to learn more about Second Lady Mrs. Pence's passion for art as an aid to healing and well-being.

Photo of the Day

President Trump participates in a Diwali Ceremonial Lighting of the Diya | October 17, 2017 (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)


Today, the President and Vice President and senior White House officials will meet with Puerto Rico Governor Rosselló to discuss Puerto Rico's recovery from two devastating hurricanes. This evening, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will attend a dinner at the Embassy of the State of Kuwait, where the First Lady will be honored by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.


Tomorrow, First Lady Melania Trump will present her Inauguration gown as the newest addition to the nearly 100-year old First Ladies Collection at the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

This weekend, the White House will be opening its gardens and grounds to visitors for the 2017 Fall Garden Tours. The grounds will be open on Saturday, October 21, from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM, and Sunday, October 22, from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM. This event is free and open to the public; however, a ticket is required for all attendees. The National Park Service will distribute free, timed tickets at a tent stationed near the entry point at the intersection of 15th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, each day beginning at 8:30 AM. More information can be found here.

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