A resolution recognizing the service of the Los Angeles-class attack submarine the USS Jacksonville and the crew of the USS Jacksonville, who served the United States with valor and bravery. (12/20/2017 legislative day)
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Launch Time and Window, H-IIA F37 (with upgraded function) Encapsulating SHIKISAI and TSUBAME
MHI and JAXA set the launch time and window of H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 37 (with upgraded function) which carries aboard the Global Changing Observation Mission - Climate "SHIKISAI" (GCOM-C) and the Super Low Altitude Test Satellite "TSUBAME" (SLATS). Refer to the following details;
Launch Date: December 23 (Sat.), 2017
Launch Time: 10:26:22 a.m. (Japan Standard Time, JST)
Launch Window: 10:26:22 a.m. through 10:48:22 a.m. (JST)
Reserved Launch Period: December 24 (Sun.), 2017 through January 31 (Wed.), 2018
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. National Research and Development Agency Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Publisher : Public Affairs Department Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Ochanomizu sola city, 4-6 Kandasurugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8008 Japan TEL:+81-3-5289-3650
Drop by and visit the European Parliament Liaison Office at the 2018 BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition at the RDS, Dublin.  We will be at the EU Stand No. W30 in the Industries Hall. Check out all the fun and interactive science experiments and pick up information on all things EU.
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When we think of other planetary systems, we tend to think that they will operate by the same basic rules as our own. In the Solar System, the planets orbit close to the equatorial plane of the Sun - meaning around its equator. The Sun's rotational axis, the direction of its poles based to its rotation, is also the same as most of the planets' (the exception being Uranus, which rotates on its side).
But if the study of extra-solar planets has taught us anything, it is that the Universe is full of possibilities. Consider the star known as GJ436, a red dwarf located about 33 light-years from Earth. For years, astronomers have known that this star has a planet that behaves very much like a comet. But according to a recent study led by astronomers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), this planet also has a very peculiar orbit.
Artist's concept of the Neptune-sized planet Gliese 436b, surrounded by an envelop of hydrogen gas. Credit: NASA/ESA/STScI/G. Bacon
GJ436 has already been the source of much scientific interest, thanks in part to the discovery that its only confirmed exoplanet has a gaseous envelop similar a comet. This exoplanet, known as GJ436b, was first observed in 2004 using radial velocity measurements taken by the Keck Observatory. In 2007, GJ436b became the first Neptune-sized planet known to be orbiting very closely to its star (aka. a "Hot Neptune").
And in 2015, GJ436 b made headlines again when scientists reported that its atmosphere was evaporating, resulting in a giant cloud around the planet and a long, trailing tale. This cloud was found to be the result of hydrogen in the planet's atmosphere evaporating, thanks to the extreme radiation coming from its star. This never-before-seen phenomena essentially means that GJ436 b looks like a comet.
Another interesting fact about this planet is its orbital inclination, which astronomers have puzzled over for the past 10 years. Unlike the planets of the Solar System - whose orbits are largely circular - GJ436b follows a very eccentric, elliptical path. And as the research team indicated in their study, the planet also doesn't orbit along the star's equatorial plane, but passes almost above the its poles.
As Vincent Bourrier - a researcher at the Department of Astronomy of the UNIGE Faculty of Science, a member of the European Research Council project FOUR ACES, and the lead author of the study - explained in a UNIGE press release:
"This planet is under enormous tidal forces because it is incredibly close to its star, barely 3% of the Earth-Sun distance. The star is a red dwarf whose lifespan is very long, the tidal forces it induces should have since circularized the orbit of the planet, but this is not the case!"
Artist's impression of JG436b, a hot Neptune located about 33 light years from Earth. Credit: Courtesy Space Telescope Science Institute
This was an especially interesting find for many reasons. On the one hand, it is the first instance where a planet was found to have a polar orbit. On the other, studying how planets orbit around a star is a great way to learn more about how that system formed and evolved. For instance, if a planet has been disturbed by the passage of a nearby star, or is being influenced by the presence of other massive planets, that will be apparent from its orbit.
As Christophe Lovis, a UNIGE researcher and co-author of the study, explained:
"Even if we have already seen misaligned planetary orbits, we do not necessarily understand their origin, especially since here it is the first time we measure the architecture of a planetary system around a red dwarf."
Hervé Beust, an astronomer from the University of Grenobles Alpes, was responsible for doing the orbital calculations on GJ436b. As he indicated, the likeliest explanation for GJ436b's orbit is the existence of a more massive and more distant planet in the system. While this planet is not currently known, this could be the first indication that GJ436 is a multi-planet system.
"If that is true, then our calculations indicate that not only would the planet not move along a circle around the star, as we've known for 10 years, but it should also be on a highly inclined orbit," he said. "That's exactly what we just measured!"
Artist impression of what GJ436b might look like. Credit: NASA
Another interesting takeaway from this study was the prediction that the planet has not always orbited so closely to its star. Based on their calculations, the team hypothesizes that the GJ436b may have migrated over time to become a "evaporating planet" that it is today. Here too, the existence of an as-yet-undetected companion is believed to be the most likely cause.
As with all exoplanet studies, these findings have implications for our understanding of the Solar System as well. Looking ahead, the team hopes to conduct further studies of this system in the hopes of determining if there is an elusive planetary companion to be found. These surveys will likely benefit from the deployment of next-generation missions, particularly the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
As Bourier indicated, "Our next goal is to identify the mysterious planet that has upset this planetary system." Locating it will be yet another indirect way in which astronomers discover exoplanets - determining the presence of other planets based on orbital inclination of already discovered ones. The orbital inclination method, perhaps?