Sunday, October 22, 2017

Opinion: Canada's terror double standards


October 22, 2017


The life and death of Salman Rushdie, gentleman author

The man we call "Salman Rushdie" today is not the brilliant author of the Satanic Verses, but a Picassoesque imposter.


How Israel engages in 'water apartheid'

Settlers in the Jordan Valley consume 81 times more water per capita than Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

Lebanon has a racism problem

The problem of racism in Lebanon goes beyond xenophobic attitudes towards Syrian and Palestinian refugees.

It's time for the world to stop ignoring Yemen

The UNHRC's war crimes investigation in Yemen can be an important step towards the peaceful resolution of the conflict.


The woman who cleans up after 'lonely deaths' in Japan

When somebody dies lonely and alone, Miyu Kojima steps in to clean their home and organise the mementos of their life.


Three issues that could derail the Fatah-Hamas deal

What will happen to Hamas' arms stockpiles, administration and employees still remains unclear.

Let's face it: We have an epidemic of sexual harassment

Harvey Weinstein's case is just the tip of the iceberg.

Canada's terror double standards

Why was Alexandre Bissonnette, who killed six Canadian Muslims in a Quebec Islamic Centre, not charged with terrorism?


'We slept out in the open air like wild animals'

Zambia's agricultural development initiatives are resulting in forced evictions and devastation for the rural poor.

White men kill, brown men found guilty

Blaming Muslims for the dire consequences of the US culture of violence is as ineffective as it is dishonest.

Al Jazeera English

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