Tuesday, February 27, 2018

European Parliament Coming up in the committees

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Coming up in committees

27-02-2018 09:22 AM CET

Employment and social aspects in the Annual Growth Survey 2018: committee vote
EMPL - 27-02-2018 - 09:22

Savings rise
The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs will vote on its draft report regarding the employment and social aspects in the Annual Growth Survey for 2018, on 27.02.18. The aim is to allow Parliament to present its position regarding the employment and social situation in the EU, the progress made towards the Europe 2020 employment and social targets, and the related priorities put forward in the Commission's package, ahead of the 2018 Spring European Council.

European Protection Order: joint committee vote
LIBE - FEMM - 26-02-2018 - 09:33

Image of a pile of document, where the first one has the words
The Committees on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, and on Women's Rights and Gender Equality will vote on their implementation report on the European Protection Order (EPO), on 27.02.18. The EPO is a judicial cooperation tool based on the principle of mutual recognition. Its application faces the challenge of diversity in national measures. The report includes recommendations relating to gender-based violence and a coherent EU legal framework protecting victims.

UN Global Compacts on refugees and migrants - interparliamentary committee meeting
LIBE - AFET - 23-02-2018 - 09:18

Photo of people walking along side a train rail
The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs will hold an inter-parliamentary meeting on the UN Global Compacts on refugees and migrants and the role of Parliaments, in association with the Foreign Affairs Committee. The aim is to strengthen the parliamentary dimension of the EU position, to support the work of the EEAS and of the Member States in the process leading to the adoption of the Compact, and to develop Parliament's position on negotiations. It will be held on 27.02.18.

Special committee on financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance: plenary vote
COMMITTEES - 26-02-2018 - 17:44

file with tax label
The European Parliament is set to vote on the mandate of a new special committee on financial crimes, tax evasion and tax avoidance, during its plenary sitting of 01.03.18 in Brussels. The resolution that will be voted on will specify the special committee's responsibilities, numerical strength and term of office.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP

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