Thursday, November 10, 2016

EarthSky News - Nov 10 - Quasars' Unexpected Halos

November 10
Quasars' Unexpected Halos
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Quasars' unexpected giant glowing halos
Astronomers didn't expect so many quasar halos. The discovery may help them probe the cosmic web.
Watch summer clouds on Titan
Cassini spacecraft time-lapse of Saturn's largest moon.

Where's the moon? Waxing gibbous

Watch for it each late afternoon and evening, waxing toward this weekend's full supermoon.
Tonight …Moon near First Point in Aries
How to spot it, and what it means.
Why stars twinkle but planets don't
A simple explanation, plus a good diagram.

2017 EarthSky Lunar Calendar happening NOW!

Receive $5 off per calendar, during the presale. Plus…spend $100 at our store and receive an additional 20% off your entire order by using the code EARTHSKY at checkout. Pre-sale orders shipped beginning Nov. 15. Thank you for helping to keep EarthSky going! Click here to order now.

Where's the moon? Waxing gibbous

Waxing gibbous moon from Odilon SimĂ”es CorrĂȘa in Brazil. We all see (approximately) the same moon phase on the same day.

Today's Image
Fajada Butte
RodNeil Thomas got this shot on October 29 at Fajada Butte in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. He said, "This was my first time solo photographing the night sky. I'm hooked!"
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