Wednesday, November 16, 2016

EarthSky News - Nov 16 - Leonid Meteors in Moonlight

November 16
Leonid Meteors in Moonlight
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Tonight … Leonid meteors in moonlight
Tonight is the moonlit peak of the 2016 Leonid meteor shower. Read why this shower is one of the most famous in the history of science … moon or no moon.
Where's the moon? Waning gibbous
The supermoon has come and gone (see photos here), and now the moon is rising later at night.
EarthSky's meteor shower guide for 2016
Look here for information about all the major meteor showers between now and the year's end
China's new feathered Mud Dragon dino
A Chinese construction crew unearthed a new dinosaur fossil. It had feathers and a beak. A scientist called it "one of the most beautiful, but saddest, fossils I've ever seen."

2017 EarthSky Lunar Calendar happening NOW!

Receive $5 off per calendar, during the presale. Plus…spend $100 at our store and receive an additional 20% off your entire order by using the code EARTHSKY at checkout. Pre-sale orders shipped beginning Nov. 15. Thank you for helping to keep EarthSky going! Click here to order now.
Tonight: Leonid meteors in moonlight
The radiant point for the Leonid meteor shower is in the constellation Leo the Lion, in the famous "backwards question mark" star pattern that marks the Lion's head.
today's Image
Come to know the Big and Little Dippers
The Big Dipper is easy (but best before dawn at this time of year). And, once you find it, you can find the Little Dipper, too. Here are the Big and Little Dippers at different seasons, and different times of night, as captured by Matthew Chin in Hong Kong.
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