Saturday, November 26, 2016

EarthSky News - Nov 26 - Underground Water Ice on Mars

November 26
Underground Water Ice on Mars
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Vast underground water ice on Mars
Water ice can't persist on Mars surface in the region of Utopia Planitia, about halfway from Mars' equator to its pole. But researchers say there's water in a vast frozen lake underground.
See it! Moon sweeps past Jupiter
In late November 2016, the waning moon took aim on Jupiter in the predawn sky. It swept closest to it on the morning of November 25. Photos from around the world, here.

Where's the moon? Waning crescent

Next new moon is November 29 at 12:18 UTC.
Star of the week: Mira the wonderful
This star in the constellation Cetus varies in brightness over about 11 months.  Its next brightness maximum is due in early 2017.
Tonight … Use Cassiopeia to find Andromeda galaxy
The moon is mostly out of the sky now. Today and tomorrow we'll give you 2 different ways to locate the Andromeda galaxy, the next-nearest large spiral galaxy.
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Use Cassiopeia to find Andromeda galaxy

One half of the W of Cassiopeia is more deeply notched than the other half. This deeper V is your "arrow" in the sky, pointing to the Andromeda galaxy.

today's Image
See it! Moon sweeps past Jupiter
In late November, the waning moon took aim on Jupiter in the predawn sky. It swept closest to it yesterday morning. Photo: Azya Matsumoto in Malaysia. More pics from around the world.
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