Wednesday, November 30, 2016

EarthSky News - Nov 30 - Watch for Moon and Mercury

November 30
Watch for Moon and Mercury
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Tonight … Moon and Mercury
In North America, on Wednesday evening, the moon sets after Mercury. South of the equator - in South America - Mercury sets after the moon.

What would Earth be like with no moon?

Earth without its moon would be a very different world indeed. No eclipses. Smaller tides. But the biggest change would be in the length of Earth's day.

First images from ExoMars mission
A camera on board ESA's ExoMars mission has returned its first images from orbit. It was meant to be a test, but the images are spectacular.
2016-17 winter outlook for US
NOAA's weather outlook for this winter predicts a warmer, drier U.S. South, and cooler, wetter North. Drought is expected to persist in California and expand in the U.S. Southeast.
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Tonight … Moon and Mercury
Be sure to look not long after the sun goes down, in the sunset direction. If you miss the moon and Mercury tonight, keep watching! The waxing moon will move up past Venus in the days ahead.
Will your winter look like this?
Check out NOAA's 2016-17 winter outlook for the United States, here. Photo by Rebecca Walker
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