Sunday, November 6, 2016

EarthSky News - Nov 6 - Top Stories This Week

November 6
Top Stories This Week
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November guide to the bright planets
Early this month, the moon sweeps past Venus and Saturn, then passes Mars.
Curiosity finds small meteorite on Mars
Not the first meteorite found by a rover on Mars, and won't be the last.
Asteroid, discovered November 1, swept past
Just hours after its discovery, asteroid 2016 VA passed within 0.2 times the moon's distance from Earth.
Spacecraft catches partial solar eclipse
Take a few seconds and check it out.
What's that UFO-looking cloud?
Sometimes reported as UFOs, hole-punch cloud are made by jets.
Here are 3 amazing spider skills
Amazing feats of spiders you might not know about.
Mount Hekla was called Gateway to Hell
Is Iceland's 3rd most active volcano overdue for another eruption?
Tonight … Peer out our galaxy's south window
Visualize looking from our Milky Way galaxy's flat star-rich disk, into intergalactic space.
Today's Image
Spot the ISS in your sky
Wayne Boyd caught the International Space Station passing over Marstons Mills, Massachusetts on November 4. A new map-based feature in NASA's Spot the Station program makes it even easier to track the ISS in your night sky. More here.
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