Thursday, December 1, 2016

EarthSky News - Dec 1 - December Planets

December 1
December Planets
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December guide to the bright planets
Three bright planets appear at nightfall this month: Mercury, Venus and Mars. Jupiter reigns as the sole morning planet. Saturn is lost in the sun's glare.
Watch for earliest sunsets before solstice
Year's shortest day comes at winter solstice. But, for Northern Hemisphere, earliest sunsets happen around early December. Southern Hemisphere? Your earliest sunrises are around now.
Tonight … Moon and Venus
Did you see the very young waxing crescent moon Wednesday evening? It'll be easier to see tonight, low in the west after sunset, below a very bright object ... Venus!
Hurricane risk to US northeast coast
Due to shifting weather patterns, the northeastern coast of the United States could see more frequent and more powerful hurricanes in the future, says new research.
EarthSky Tees Are Back

You've got to see the new long sleeved tees and hoodies! Thanks as always for the continued support, it means the world to us. Click here to pre-order now and receive before Christmas.

Earliest sunsets before winter solstice
And those low winter sunsets have such a beautiful, special quality. Adrian Strand captured this photo on a beach in northwest England.
Moon and Venus Thursday evening
Venus and the moon are the 2 brightest nighttime objects in Earth's sky. You can't miss them - in the sunset direction - shortly after sunset Thursday.
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