Friday, March 3, 2017

EarthSky News - March 3 - Mars Mega-Flood and Dust Devils

March 3

Mars Mega-Flood and Dust Devils

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At the mouth of a Mars mega-flood

New images from ESA's Mars Express spacecraft show an ancient outflow region, where fierce floodwaters once raged.

Curiosity rover spies Mars dust devils

As NASA explained, "On Mars, wind rules."

Tonight … Summer Triangle, signpost for all seasons

Vega, Deneb and Altair - the 3 brilliant stars of the Summer Triangle - are up before dawn in March.

Star of the week: Pollux is the brighter Twin star

Close together in the sky, Pollux and its brother star Castor are easy to compare.  Pollux is brighter and golden in color, while Castor is fainter and white.

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 Summer Triangle, signpost for all seasons

It's not a constellation. It's what's called an asterism - a noticeable pattern of stars - in this case a very large one.

Annular eclipse after sunrise

Thank you, Vincent Bouchama, for your beautiful composite of Sunday's solar eclipse.

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