Business, industry and trade UK non-financial business economy, regional results: 2015 In 2015, the approximate gross value added at basic prices (aGVA) generated by local activity of the UK non-financial business economy was estimated to be £1,146.2 billion; out of the 12 UK regions, 11 experienced growth in aGVA in 2015 compared with 2014. The North East was the only region showing a decrease in aGVA of 1.1% in 2015 compared with 2014; the main contribution to the fall was from the production sector falling 12.2% (£1.1 billion). Annual Business Survey: UK non-financial business economy foreign owned businesses, 2008 to 2015 In 2015, there were just over 2 million registered non-financial businesses in the UK, of which 1.1% (24,141) were owned by businesses outside of the UK (foreign-owned); despite this small proportion, these businesses contributed £326.5 billion in approximate gross value added (aGVA) in 2015, a contribution of 28.5% to total aGVA in the UK. This release provides for the first time estimates of the number of Foreign-owned businesses and aGVA for the years 2008 to 2013. It also provides new analysis of foreign ownership by region. Retail sales in Great Britain: June 2017 In the 3 months to June 2017, the quantity bought (volume) in the retail industry is estimated to have increased by 1.5%, with increases seen across all store types. The growth for Quarter 2 (Apr to June) 2017 follows a decline of 1.4% in Quarter 1 (Jan Mar) 2017, meaning we are broadly at the same level as at the start of 2017. Compared with May 2017, the quantity bought increased by 0.6%, with non-food stores providing the main contribution. People, population and community Crime in England and Wales: year ending March 2017 Excluding the new Experimental Statistics on fraud and computer misuse, latest estimates from the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) showed there were 5.9 million incidents of crime covered by the survey, a 7% reduction compared with the previous year's survey. Including fraud and computer misuse offences, there were an estimated 11 million incidents of crime covered by the CSEW. The police recorded nearly 5 million offences in the year ending March 2017, which represented an annual rise of 10%; this increase is likely to reflect a range of factors, which vary by crime type, including continuing improvements to recording processes and practices, expanded offence coverage and also genuine increases in some crime types. Explore crime statistics over time: The current picture of crime in England & Wales is complex. Our Head of Crime Statistics John Flatley explains: You can follow John Flatley on Twitter for all the detail from today's Crime release. The use of new and varied data through data science skills is developing quickly and has huge potential for improving our understanding of the economy and society. Find out how ONS is leading the development of a new degree-level apprenticeship in data science on behalf of the public and private sector. In the past year, we've been working with Government Digital Service (GDS), and the Government Office for Science under the Government Data Science Partnership (GDSP) to help government realise the potential of data science Learn more about how we are working with departments to support the development of skills and tools to kickstart greater take-up across departments and agencies. |
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