Thursday, August 3, 2017

PHE July Bulletin

PHE Bulletin

News and views for the public health sector

July 2017

Public health news

Health Profiles 2017

The Health Profile for England report is the first time PHE has used its wealth of population health data to give a picture of the health of England. It brings together key PHE data and knowledge on the health of the population, fills gaps in existing outputs and looks at how England compares with other European countries. It also describes inequalities in outcomes within England. PHE also published the Public Health Outcomes Framework: Health Equity Report alongside this. This report examines inequalities in outcomes and the social determinants of health between different population groups and has a special focus on ethnicity. For more information please contact

Tobacco Control Plan published

The Department of Health has published a new tobacco control plan for England. It includes new national ambitions on reductions in smoking prevalence and has a clear focus on tackling smoking-related health inequalities in populations and groups including people with mental health conditions and pregnant women. It sets out the roles of PHE and NHS England in providing national leadership, and the need for close partnership working across local healthcare systems to identify need and deliver targeted, evidence-based interventions to support smokers to quit. PHE has been commissioned to publish an annual update of the evidence until 2022 and to include messaging about the relative safety of e-cigarettes within our stop smoking campaigns.

Drug Strategy published

The Home Office has published the Government's updated Drug StrategyThe strategy's primary aims are to reduce all illicit and other harmful drug use, and increase recovery rates from drug dependence. It recognises the need for all parts of the health and social care system to work together to improve drug users' physical and mental health. The strategy gives a clear leadership role to local authorities on the drug prevention and treatment agenda, and PHE will provide help and support in implementing it.

Air Quality Plan

PHE's work on air pollution was highlighted this week in Defra's air quality plan. In addition to the jointly branded 'Air Quality: A Briefing for Directors of Public Health,' the plan references PHE's report 'Estimating local mortality burdens associated with particulate air pollution' and confirms that the UK government has requested us to review 'the evidence for effective interventions and provide practical recommendations for any actions not currently included in Defra's plan.'

10 Minute Shake Up campaign launches

Change4Life has launched the national summer 10 Minute Shake Ups programme with Disney, Sport England and schools to help get the nation's children active. New 10 Minute Shake Ups will be released each week on the Change4Life website over the summer holidays with games featuring characters from Disney's latest animations. Children in most state funded primary schools across the country have received 10 Minute Shake Ups suitcase worksheets to use in school, plus a passport and stickers to help them keep moving over summer. Lesson plans and activities for teachers are available on the School Zone website. Information and resources to support local activity can be found on the Campaign Resource Centre. For further information on the 10 Minute Shake Ups summer programme, please email

Drug Misuse Clinical Guidelines updated

An update to Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK guidelines on clinical management (often called the orange book) has been published. Last updated in 2007, the newly updated guidelines have a stronger emphasis on recovery and on a holistic approach to the issues and interventions that can support recovery. Key additions and reinforced messages for 2017 include incorporation of clinical guidance on prison-based treatment, new psychoactive substances and club drugs, mental health co-morbidity, misuse of prescribed and over-the-counter medicines, smoking cessation, and preventing drug-related deaths, including naloxone provision.

National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) Guidance

PHE has published updated Operational Guidance for local authorities on the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP), which measures the height and weight of children in reception and year 6 in primary schools across England. The guidance advises local commissioners and providers on running the NCMP from September 2017 onwards and now includes information on Our Healthy Year and new links to NCMP resources.

The PHE Obesity Risk Factors Intelligence team has also released Guidance for Data Sharing and Analysis. It is an annual update providing guidance to local authorities and other organisations who wish to make use of the National Child Measurement Programme data.

Guidance for commissioners: co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions

Public Health England has published new national guidance 'Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions' for commissioners and all providers of mental health and alcohol and drug treatment services, as well as being relevant for all support services that have contact with people with co-occurring conditions. The new guidance supports implementation of the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health, encouraging commissioners and providers to work together to improve access to services which can reduce harm, improve health and enhance recovery.

New Perinatal Mental Health Fingertips Profile

The Perinatal Mental Health Fingertips Profile was developed by the National Mental Health Intelligence Network. It is supported by NHS England and draws upon previous work undertaken in collaboration with the National Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network. It is designed to support planners, providers and stakeholders to plan services, undertake needs assessments and benchmark against similar populations.

Health Asset Profile launched

PHE has recently published a new tool to support local authorities undertake an asset based approach to health and wellbeing. The Health Asset Profile presents data from 25 indicators that focus on the protective and positive health factors within a local authority. The profile provides a snapshot of the strengths and health assets in communities and data in the tool can be used to embed an asset approach within their Joint Strategic Needs Assessments. The tool is still under ongoing development and updates will occur when new data becomes available. 

Revised Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Fingertips Profile

The revised Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing profile follows a pathway approach with a wide range of publically available data on: prevalence, protective factors, primary prevention (adversity and vulnerability) and spend on children's education and social care services. Within these domains, indicators are grouped by geography (predominantly county and local authority but also Clinical Commissioning Group) and then ordered by topic (e.g. adversity associated with poverty, abuse and neglect, family difficulties and parental difficulties). This revision is the first of a series of phased updates. The next phase, available later this year, will include new domains for early intervention, services and clinical outcomes.

Dementia Profile updated

A PDF download displaying a range of charts is now available for each local authority and CCG from the 'Download' section of the profile. This feature has been developed as the first part of a programme of work, which seeks to meet a user need for a non-web based version of the profile. An evaluation of this development will soon begin in order to inform future work.  If you have any comments, or wish to be notified when the user survey is available, please contact on recent metric updates can be found on the homepage.

Neurology Profile suspended

The understanding of neurology has evolved over the past few years, better quality data sets have been developed by the Neurology Intelligence Network and the neurology profiles have been superseded by other products. As a result we have decided to suspend the Neurology Fingertips profiles at this point in time. The homepage remains to signpost people to the most up to date sources of information and we will review this decision at a later date if there are any significant changes to the resources currently available through our partners.

Falls and Fracture Resources published

PHE has launched a falls and fractures: consensus statement resource pack aimed at local commissioners and strategic leads with a remit for falls and bone health. It can be found on the same page as our falls and fracture consensus statement, which was published earlier this year, and contains extra information and links to documents to support the delivery of key prevention interventions.

PrEP Impact Trial update

As part of ongoing communications regarding the PrEP Impact Trial, NHS England and PHE have recently shared a series of public and commissioner Q&As with stakeholders. A stakeholder update has also been posted on the PHE PrEP update page here. The public Q&As will be available online shortly and a link will be posted to the same page. Commissioner Q&As will be shared on the Sexual Health Commissioners Forum and via the English Sexual Health Commissioners Group.

Breastfeeding at six to eight weeks after birth: Q4 2016/2017 data 

Quarterly statistics on breastfeeding prevalence at six to eight weeks after birth for 2016 to 2017 were published today. Information is presented at local authority of residence, PHE Centre and England level. The latest publication relates to quarter four of 2016 to 2017 (July 2017 release). This release also includes a refresh of data for previous quarter(s). The results show a slight increase of breastfeeding rates when comparing the data to Q4 of 2015/2016.

Screening leaflets for blind and partially sighted people

PHE has published seven new audio versions of national patient information screening leaflets to help meet the needs of blind and partially sighted people. Audio versions are now available on GOV.UK of the following leaflets: Screening tests for you and your baby, AAA screening invitation leaflet, Bowel cancer screening: the facts, Bowel cancer screening: the colonoscopy investigation, NHS breast screening: helping you decide, NHS cervical screening: helping you decide and Your guide to diabetic eye screening.

Easy read version of AAA screening invitation

A new easy read version of the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening invitation leaflet is now available for local screening providers to download and print out to help ensure screening is accessible to individuals with learning disabilities and low literacy levels.

Leaflet to improve accessibility to screening for transgender people

PHE has developed a new public information leaflet for trans and non-binary individuals to make screening more accessible and inclusive. For people who are trans (transgender) or non-binary (any gender that is not exclusively male or female), inequalities may exist because individuals do not know which screening programmes they are eligible for or are not invited for screening because of the gender they are registered as with their GP.

Everyday Interactions

Public Health England and the Royal Society for Public Health have published Everyday Interactions, a report which aims to support healthcare professionals to record and measure their public health impact. The report and toolkit has been developed in close collaboration with representative bodies and individuals working in the professional groups which it is aimed at, specifically nurses and midwives, Allied Health Professionals, pharmacy and dental staff.

News from other organisations

Ten point plan sets out actions to deliver General Practice Nursing workforce for the future

England's Chief Nursing Officer has launched a ten point action plan to recognise and develop the roles that general practice nurses have which transform care and can help deliver the plan to make the NHS fit for the future. The action plan sets out the work needed to deliver more convenient access to care, more personalised care in the community and a stronger focus on prevention and population health driving better outcomes and experience for patients.

Consultation on guidance for CCGs: items which should not be routinely prescribed in primary care

NHS England has partnered with NHS Clinical Commissioners to support Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in ensuring that they can use their prescribing resources effectively and deliver best patient outcomes from the medicines that their local population uses. CCGs asked for a nationally co-ordinated approach to the development of commissioning guidance in this area to ensure consistency and address unwarranted variation. The aim is that this will lead to a more equitable process for making decisions about guidance on medicines but CCGs will need to take individual decisions on implementation locally. Proposed national guidelines are set out in the consultation document. Please let us know your views about the proposals via this survey.

Recent PHE blogs

Making the workplace a safe space to be LGB&T

Looking at the health needs of LGBT women

Mental health challenges within the LGBT community

Improving people's health through spatial planning

Taking Pride at every stage of life

Weight management services - why are they important?

Child sexual exploitation - the role of public health in prevention and intervention

A year in review - public health successes from the North West

Understanding health inequalities in England

Health Profile for England: Telling a story about our health

10 facts that sum up our nation's health in 2017

The Government Drug Strategy - tackling the complex issue of drug misuse

What's happening with mortality rates in England?

England leading the world: New Tobacco Control Plan sets the bar high

How one mental health Trust in Leicestershire is using e-cigarettes as a tool to go smokefree

Tackling drug misuse and harm in London


PHE annual conference 2017: bookings open

The PHE annual conference takes place at the University of Warwick on 12 and 13 September 2017. The PHE annual conference brings together more than 1,400 participants from a wide range of organisations, to learn, share their knowledge and experiences to help improve public health. This year's conference focuses on three key themes: promoting world-class science and evidence, making the economic case for prevention, working towards a healthier, fairer society.

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