February 2018 PHE Bulletin, Public Health England's regular update, provides news and information for all those concerned with protecting and improving the public's health. Visit our website for more information. | | PHE publishes independent expert e-cigarettes evidence review A new PHE e-cigarette evidence review, undertaken by leading independent tobacco experts, provides an update on PHE's 2015 review. The report covers e-cigarette use among young people and adults, public attitudes, the impact on quitting smoking, an update on risks to health and the role of nicotine. It also reviews heated tobacco products. Key findings include: Vaping poses only a small fraction of the risks of smoking and switching completely from smoking to vaping conveys substantial health benefits; E-cigarette use is associated with improved quit success rates over the last year and an accelerated drop in smoking rates across the country. | | | Health Matters: Community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing Placing communities at the heart of the public's health can empower people to have a greater say in their lives and health, create connected and resilient communities, engage those most at risk of poor health and reduce health inequalities. Our latest edition of Health Matters focuses on the many health assets communities have and the family of community-centred approaches, a framework developed to represent some of the practical and evidence-based options that can be used to improve community health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities. You can see the full edition here and learn more in our blog. | | | Disease Detectives, a series that showcases PHE science PHE has launched a new series called Disease Detectives, which will showcase our science and the profile of scientists through a range of different publications. The first piece comes from our Emerging Infections and Zoonoses team and focuses on how they detect new and emerging infectious diseases as early and quickly as possible, raising awareness for clinicians, laboratories and across Government. Disease Detectives will feature a wide range of areas within public health science, from whole genome sequencing, to how we monitor flu and create vaccines. You will find future blogs from the series here. | | | Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination programme for men aged 45 or younger who have sex with other men The government has confirmed that it will introduce a nationwide Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination programme for men aged 45 or younger who have sex with other men. NHS England and Public Health England will work to start the programme in sexual health (GUM) clinics and HIV clinics in England from April 2018. A vaccination pilot started in 42 specialist sexual health services clinics in June 2016. The pilot demonstrated that such a programme can be delivered in an acceptable and, as far as can be evaluated, equitable manner, without major disruption to genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics and HIV clinics. | | | Adult obesity trends for England time series moving map published PHE has published a moving map showing the change in prevalence of adult obesity for each region in England from 1993-2016 based on Health Survey for England (HSE) data. This is a presentational tool for local, regional and national practitioners and policy makers as it gives a visual representation of the scale of obesity in adults across England and how this has progressed over the years. It can be downloaded and used freely with acknowledgement to PHE. | | | New falls prevention ROI tool Falls are common and costly. In England every year, one quarter of a million falls-related emergency hospital admissions are from people aged over 65 and the NHS spends an estimated £4.4 billion on fragility fractures. PHE has developed a return on investment (ROI) tool which assesses falls prevention interventions for older people, allowing those setting policy to choose the best interventions for their area. You can access the tool here and read more in our blog. | | | NHS Health Checks – Q3 data PHE has published the NHS Health Check offers and uptake data update for October to December 2017. This update contains data from 152 local authorities for July to September 2017 (quarter 3 for 2017 to 2018) and cumulative data from 1 April 2013 to 31 December 2017. The cumulative data also includes amended statistics for 10 local authorities for April to September 2016 (quarter 1 and 2 of 2017 to 2018). The NHS Health Check is one of the components of the single data list (ref 254-00) which is a list of all the datasets that local government must submit to central government. Please contact nhshealthchecks.mailbox@phe.gov.uk with any queries regarding the NHS Health Check. | | | Updated national and regional slide sets on Child Obesity and national slide set on Child Physical Activity published PHE has published three separate slide sets: a national slide set on child obesity, regional child obesity slide sets and a national slide set on child physical activity. These slides present key data and information on the patterns and trends in child obesity and child physical activity in clear, easy to understand charts and graphics. The slides can be downloaded and used freely with acknowledgement to Public Health England. The slides are a useful tool for practitioners and policy makers working on obesity and physical activity at local, regional and national level. | | | National Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network - update Data for breast feeding at 6 to 8 weeks after birth for quarters 1 and 2 2017/18 has been published. We have also published health visitor service delivery metrics for quarters 1 and 2 2017/18. The metrics cover the antenatal check, new birth visit, the 6 to 8 week review, the 12 month assessment and the 2- 2½ year assessment (including coverage of ASQ-3). Information is presented at a local authority, PHE Centre and England level. Lastly, we have published information about child development outcomes at age 2-2½ year for quarters 1 and 2 2017/18. These reports contain detail of the percentage of children who were at or above the expected level in various defined skills. Subscribe here to the fortnightly child and maternal health and wellbeing knowledge update. | | | PHE launches opioid treatment quality improvement programme Opioid substitution treatment (OST) plays a fundamental role in supporting people to recover from drug dependence. PHE is helping drug services implement the guidelines and improve treatment where it is not optimal. The programme will also enhance wider recovery support for those in treatment by supporting services to help more in other aspects of their lives beyond drug use, such as employment, living arrangements, family relationships, trauma and abuse. | | | Get animated about our new screening resource Please share our new animation about the types of screening offered during pregnancy and for newborn babies. You can view the animation via YouTube or on NHS Choices here. Contact our screening helpdesk if you'd like a high resolution version for local use. | | | End of Life Care Profiles New mortality data for 2016 has been added to the End of Life Care Profiles for local authorities. The update shows almost half of all deaths in England (46.9%) occurred in hospital, while nearly a quarter of deaths (23.5%) occurred in people's own home – the highest figure in twelve years. The trend over recent years has been a reducing proportion of deaths in hospital, and an increasing proportion of deaths in care homes and private homes, suggesting more people are choosing to die in familiar surroundings. | | | Deaths associated with neurological conditions PHE's National Mental Health Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network has published a suite of products exploring deaths associated with neurology conditions. These resources are about people who have died with a neurological condition recorded on their death certificate in England during the period of 2001 to 2014. They investigate: the numbers and rates of deaths associated with neurological conditions and their recent trends; the demographic characteristics of people dying with neurological conditions; the underlying cause of death and association with the broad disease groups; the place of death. Detailed analysis has been provided for 7 of the condition groups previously defined by the neurology intelligence network. | | | NHS letter to primary care advising on flu vaccine purchasing choice for next winter The NHS has written to all CCGs, GPs and community pharmacists advising them which vaccines to order now for adults for the 2018/19 season based on PHE's advice. The letters advise that the adjuvanted trivalent vaccine should be purchased for all adults aged 65 and over and the quadrivalent vaccine purchased for all eligible at-risk adults aged between 18-65. Children will continue to receive the quadrivalent nasal spray. | | | Changes to PHE Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) online: notice for local authority public health teams From 28 February 2018, PHE KLS are introducing a refreshed online interface. The content for local authority public health teams on our current site will be made available on the refreshed interface. If you have previously saved a link to our current online pages in your favourites, it should now be replaced with https://phelibrary.koha-ptfs.co.uk/phe-support-for-local-authority-public-health-teams/ . These changes will not affect access to the bespoke Discovery service for local authority teams, which can still be accessed directly. For further information and queries please contact: libraries@phe.gov.uk | | | Engaging patients survey PHE is inviting Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) (Doctors, Nurses, Allied Health Professionals and other health professionals) working in England, to participate in a survey on work as a health outcome. As trusted professionals, healthcare professionals are ideally placed to help people stay in work. The survey aims to understand how HCPs see their role in engaging patients with health and work discussions. It aims to identify any current knowledge and skills gap, and how to address these. The survey also looks at the workplace health of NHS staff. | | | Revised PHE National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training Following contributions and consultation, the 'National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training for Registered Healthcare Practitioners' have been extensively revised from the original 2005 version and published together as one document. The aim of these national standards is to describe the training that should be given to all registered healthcare practitioners involved in immunisation so that they are able to confidently and competently, promote and administer vaccinations in an area that has seen significant expansion and growing complexity in recent years. | Health Matters: Community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing Why we need to count the people who have rare diseases Health Matters: Hosting our fifth annual CVD prevention conference Disease Detectives: keeping track of new and emerging infectious diseases Clearing up some myths around e-cigarettes Helping local areas to prevent falls in older people Creating a smokefree NHS: how e-cigarettes can help From event to indicator - collecting and using data in our Public Health Outcomes Framework What we're doing to help keep our children and young people safe Looking to the future - Improving mental health outcomes for children and young people The inequalities of homelessness – how can we stop homeless people dying young? Public health and upholding the law What's new in the February PHOF update? Key questions and findings from our e-cigarette evidence update Health Matters - Using NHS Health Checks to optimise CVD care - Your questions answered Less is more: creating a digital-first public health service | | 'Stay Well Pharmacy' campaign A new campaign called 'Stay Well Pharmacy' has been launched by NHS England this month. It aims to raise awareness of the services offered by pharmacies, and to position them as the first place to go to for clinical advice and treatment for minor health concerns, such as coughs, colds and tummy troubles. Materials to promote this campaign to the public are available from the PHE Campaign Resource Centre. | | | E-cigarettes online course for healthcare professionals from NCSCT The National centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT) has launched 'E-cigarettes: a guide for healthcare professionals'. Developed by leading clinicians and academics, this free online course has been produced to assist health and social care professionals support people who want to use e-cigarettes to help them quit smoking. The course aims to provide health professionals with the knowledge, and clinical guidance, to ensure that the advice that they give to smokers is evidence-based and effective. | | | New AF and blood pressure reports PHE data was used in two new reports from the Stroke Association and the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to highlight the detection and treatment of high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation (AF), both risk factors for stroke and heart attack. The Stroke Association's AF: How can we do better? report and the BHF's report, Blood Pressure: How we can do better? aim to help CCGs and GPs improve stroke and heart attack prevention, detection and treatment across England. They break down the data into tailored packs for every CCG, highlighting local opportunities for development. | National Mental Health Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network Register for our spring stakeholder event (9th March, Holiday Inn, Regents Park, London) We would like to invite you to attend our 2nd stakeholder event, which will bring together our core partners to celebrate our work to date and shape the future vision of the network. We will be reviewing our progress so far, introducing some new products, considering our current products and seeking input on the future direction of our work. As we would like to have a balanced representation of stakeholders at the event, we will be seeking to limit the number of attendees from each organisation where necessary. For more information, and to book a free place, please see our event website. National Immunisation Network Meeting 2018 registration open The PHE annual immunisation two-day meeting is now open for bookings. This year's event (24-25 April) will focus on current and emerging scientific issues in immunisation and implementation issues relating to PHE's national immunisation programme. This year's meeting is being held during European Immunization Week (EIW), which is celebrated between 23-29 April 2018 in conjunction with the World Health Organization's (WHO) regional initiatives and World Immunization Week. The theme of the meeting is "Vaccines work: our immunisation story in conjuction with the EIW theme Prevent, Protect, Immunize". During this meeting attendees will explore immunisation at every stage of life and at every age, and engage with world-class epidemiologists and experts in immunisation from across the UK and Europe, such as Professor Natasha Crowcroft, Chief of Applied Immunization Research and Evaluation, Public Health Ontario, Canada. |
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