Wednesday, April 25, 2018

European Parliament Coming up in the committees

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Coming up in committees

25-04-2018 07:35 PM CEST

Victims' rights directive implementation report: committee vote
LIBE - FEMM - 25-04-2018 - 09:05

A pen on a paper checking the box stating
The Committees on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, and on Women's Rights and Gender Equality will vote on an assessment of the implementation report of the Directive on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime, on 26.04.18. The Directive aims to ensure that victims of crime are recognised, treated with respect and receive proper support and access to justice, taking into account the gender perspective and the needs of specific groups of victims.

Food law, vaccination, digital healthcare: committee debate
ENVI - 25-04-2018 - 09:02

Commissionner Vytenis Andriukaitis taking the floor in a meeting
The Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will go over the Commission's work in relation to the General Food Law, vaccination and digital healthcare. The meeting will take place on 26.04.18, during which Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis is expected to present a proposal on transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain. The current situation as regards e-health and vaccines will also be looked into.

The European Union at a glance: see the Fact Sheets online
COMMITTEES - 25-04-2018 - 19:34

Image of the logo of the Fact Sheets of the European Union
The Fact Sheets on the EU provide an overview of European integration and of Parliament's contribution to that process. They present a brief, straightforward overview of the EU's institutions and policies, and of Parliament's role in their development. Available in 23 languages, they cover six main areas: how the EU works; a citizens' Europe; the internal market; the economic and monetary union; sectoral policies; and the EU's external relations. The online version is updated regularly.

Supporting Analyses: the online pages about parliamentary expertise for committees
COMMITTEES - 25-04-2018 - 19:33

An image with various illustrations of office supplies, e.g. pen, computer, envelope.
Studies, in-depth analyses and briefings produced by Parliament's policy departments, the Economic Governance Support Unit and the Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value are available online in the dedicated section for Supporting Analyses. Apart from searching specific publications, a selection of papers and upcoming events can be found under "Highlights". A monthly overview of the work of policy departments is given in "Periodicals", with key studies on thematic issues.

Further information
Supporting analyses online

Parliament's committees: watch the video-clip
COMMITTEES - 25-04-2018 - 19:32

An image of a Parliamentary committee meeting. People in a meeting room.
Find out more about the committees of the European Parliament by watching the new video-clip available now with subtitles in 23 languages. The committees are responsible for preparing Parliament's positions in EU policy-making. They actively contribute to the legislative agenda-setting and supervise the implementation of adopted legislation, the yearly budget and international agreements. They also organise hearings with experts and scrutinise other EU institutions and bodies.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP

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