Sunday, November 13, 2016

EarthSky News - Nov 13 - Closest Supermoon Since 1948

November 13
Closest Supermoon Since 1948
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In the Americas? Watch supermoon tonight

Closest moon since 1948. Look this evening or early Monday from the Americas. West of International Date Line? Watch Monday evening. 

Does supermoon have super effect on us?

Supermoon's pull of gravity creates higher-than-usual tides. But gravity doesn't affect a human body as much as an ocean tide.

What is a supermoon?

Can't get enough of supermoons? Here's more, including how the name 'supermoon' originated.

Star of the week: Achernar is the End of the River

Achernar - also known as Alpha Eridani - is the 9th brightest star in Earth's sky and the flattest star known.

2017 EarthSky Lunar Calendar happening NOW!

Receive $5 off per calendar, during the presale. Plus…spend $100 at our store and receive an additional 20% off your entire order by using the code EARTHSKY at checkout. Pre-sale orders shipped beginning Nov. 15. Thank you for helping to keep EarthSky going! Click here to order now.

In the Americas? Watch supermoon tonight

Fullest moon comes early Monday morning for the Americas (November 14 at 11:23 UTC), as shown on this illustration of Earth's day and night sides at the crest of this full moon.

today's Image

Waxing toward a supermoon

We're receiving many photos from EarthSky friends of the beautiful waxing moon. This is last night's moon from OMLady O in Switzerland. Click here to see more.

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