Saturday, November 19, 2016

EarthSky News - Nov 19 - Great Valley Found on Mercury

November 19
Great Valley Found on Mercury
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Great Valley found on Mercury
Scientists have discovered a Great Valley on Mercury, hundreds of miles long and sunken by as much as 2 miles (3 km) below the surrounding terrain.
Nova in Sagittarius
There's a nova in the sky now. It's faint and requires a dark sky to be seen, but photos pick it up more easily. Astrophotographer Jeff Dai captured it from Thailand.
What would happen if the sun disappeared?
Some things that would happen here on Earth if our giant source of heat and light were to vanish from the sky, and how long it would take. Check out this infographic.
Sky Bear comes to Earth in November
Every year, the Big Dipper (Great Bear) descends to its lowest point in the sky on November evenings.
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Can you see the Big Dipper?
Every year, the Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major descends to its lowest point in the sky on November evenings.
today's Image
Nova in Sagittarius
There's a nova in the sky now. It's faint and requires a dark sky to be seen, but photos pick it up more easily. Astrophotographer Jeff Dai captured it from Thailand.
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