Tuesday, November 22, 2016

EarthSky News - Nov 22 - Record-Breaking Milky Way Satellite

November 22
Record-Breaking Milky Way Satellite
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New record-breaking Milky Way satellite

It's record-breaking because it's so faint. Could this galaxy be a sign of many yet-unknown dwarf galaxies orbiting our Milky Way? Astronomical theorists hope so!

Tonight … A famous variable star in Cepheus

With clock-like precision, Delta Cephei doubles in brightness every 5.36 days. You can notice it with the eye alone and see it best by contrasting this star with two nearby stars.

Drought still grips southern California

California has dry spells, but the state hasn't had exceptional drought since at least 2000. Now, about 20 percent of California is in exceptional drought, and many trees have died.

Climate change is affecting all life on Earth

A new analysis of hundreds of studies says that almost every aspect of life on Earth has been affected by climate change ... and that's not good news for humans.
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A famous variable star in Cepheus
You can notice the brightness change of Delta Cephei with the eye alone. See it best by contrasting this star with two nearby stars.


today's Image

Together under the Milky Way

A dark sky, a friend and a flashlight to point out Milky Way sights.

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