Friday, December 16, 2016

EarthSky News - Dec 16 - Rosetta's Last Words

December 16

Rosetta's Last Words

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Rosetta comet craft's last words

One of Rosetta's final reports was of a large object in its field of view: the comet's horizon as the spacecraft was about to strike the comet.

December solstice to start shortest season

By season, we mean the time between a solstice and an equinox, or vice versa. The upcoming season - between the December solstice and March equinox - is a touch shy of 89 days.

Friday FAQ: How likely are you to see a white Christmas?

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Here's the historic probability for one, in the U.S. 

Start watching for Ursid meteors

The Ursid meteor shower is active each year around the December solstice. Start watching this weekend. Peak probably the morning of December 22, under the light of a waning moon.

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December solstice will come on the 21st
This image shows the day and night sides of Earth at the instant of the December 2016 solstice (2016 December 21 at 10:44 Universal Time).  No matter where you are on Earth, it marks the beginning of your shortest season of the year.

Zodiacal light over Momtombo Volcano
This photographer captured a volcano from a volcano, plus he caught the hazy pyramid of light known as the "false dawn," and more.

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