Wednesday, November 29, 2017

European Parliament Alerts from the Employment and Social Affairs committee

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Highlights - Plenary vote: Implementation of the European Disability Strategy - Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

29-11-2017 03:22 PM CET

Eraser changing the word Disability for Ability
The report of rapporteur Helga Stevens (ECR, BE) as adopted in EMPL on 19 October, will be voted in plenary on 30 November. The rapporteur formulates recommendations related to eight priority areas: accessibility, participation, equality, employment, education and training, social protection, health and external action. She also looks forward to the new 2030 strategy which is expected to be published upon the expiration of the current strategy in 2020.

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
29-11-2017 02:45 PM CET

Health and safety related to the new generation jobs
The main objective of the hearing has been be to discuss how technological and other developments in the labour market are creating new challenges for health and safety policy as well as to consider what responses might be appropriate.

This is intended to cover employment sectors that have developed in recent years, including nanomaterials and biotechnologies, as well as the new ways of organising more traditional work that modern technology makes possible, including more flexibility regarding working times and location. In some cases, this may offer a better work-life balance; in others a greater risk of stress or burn-out. 5 experts had been invited and their presentations were be followed by an exchange of views with Members.

Location : JAN 4Q1

Further information
Draft programme

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
29-11-2017 02:41 PM CET

On 26 February EMPL held a joint hearing with CULT on "The reform of the educational systems in Europe as a way to fight early school leaving, child poverty and youth unemployment" Five experts had been invited. The presentations were followed by an exchange of views with Members.

Location : Jozsef Antall 2Q2

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
29-11-2017 02:40 PM CET

Off-shoring used to be a frequently used term throughout the EU - with company after company shifting its production and services to lower cost countries. But now there are signs that the opposite is happening as businesses bring back production and services to Europe, in a process some are calling "re-shoring". The aim of the hearing was to hear the views of experts representing the ILO, business and workers' federations about the potential of re-shoring for the EU labour market.

Location : JAN 6Q2

Draft programme
     Tony Caldeira
     Raymond Torres, ILO
     Manuel Garcia Salgado, SEAT
Statements of political groups
     Thomas Händel, Chair (GUE/NGL)

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
29-11-2017 02:39 PM CET

The intention of this hearing is to discuss Member States' active labour market policies in the context of the Active Inclusion Strategy, that the European Commission launched in 2008.

Location : PHS 1A002

Further information
Draft programme

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
29-11-2017 02:36 PM CET

The flag of Greece
On 5 December Mr Pedro Martins, Professor from the London School of Business and Management in London took part at the hearing as a member of the "Expert Group for the review of the Greek labour market institutions" to present their recommendations adopted on 27 September 2016.

The expert group consists of eight independent experts, its composition was jointly agreed with the Greek government and the institutions and was set-up in April 2016. It was tasked with helping Greece and the international institutions (European Commission, European Central Bank, European Stability Mechanism, International Monetary Fund) to reach an agreement on labour reforms.

Location : JAN 4Q1

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
29-11-2017 02:35 PM CET

Refugees: Social Inclusion and Integration into the Labour Market
The purpose of the hearing was to get a better understanding of the necessary conditions to facilitate a successful integration of refugees into our European societies and labour markets.

Location : JAN 4Q1

Further information

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP

This email was sent on behalf of the European Parliament · Bât. Altiero Spinelli · 60 rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 · B-1047 - Bruxelles/Brussels  · Belgium · Phone: +32(0)2 28 42111

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