Monday, December 4, 2017

European Parliament Alerts from the Agriculture and Rural Development committee

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Highlights - The EU Forest Strategy - Joint AGRI, ENVI and ITRE Public hearing - Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

04-12-2017 11:04 AM CET

Wooden Logs with Forest on Background / Trunks of trees cut and stacked in the foreground, green forest in the background with sun rays
The centrepiece of this meeting consists of a hearing on the EU Forest Strategy jointly organised by the AGRI, ENVI and ITRE committees on 4 December. Its purpose is to assess progress in implementation of the Forest Strategy and to hear the views of stakeholders on cross-cutting forest related issues, such as rural development policy, the bioeconomy and innovation, climate change and biodiversity.

Speakers have been invited from DG AGRI, the European Forest Institute, the Finnish Agriculture Ministry, the Confederation of European Forest Owners, State Forests (Poland), FERN and the expert group of the European Academics Science Advisory Council (EASAC).

Further information
Hearing programme

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
04-12-2017 11:03 AM CET

Commissioner Phil Hogan
On Wednesday evening 29 November, Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan presented the keenly awaited communication on "The Future of Food and Farming" to AGRI Members, formally starting off the debate on the evolution of the CAP in coming years.

The Commission had announced in its 2017 Annual Work Programme that it would "take forward work and consult widely on simplification and modernisation of the Common Agricultural Policy to maximise its contribution to the Commission's ten priorities and to the Sustainable Development Goals", focusing on specific policy priorities and taking into account the opinion of the Refit Platform.

DG AGRI undertook a public consultation in early 2017 which received over 320,000 online responses as well as over 1,400 position papers and carried out an impact assessment (IA) of alternative scenarios for the future of the CAP. The public consultation and IA have been a valuable source of information for the communication.

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
04-12-2017 10:59 AM CET

Young Couple of farmers with tractor
Thursday morning 23 November was dedicated to the issue of young farmers. The AGRI Committee is drawing up an 'implementation report' on the measures agreed in the 2013 CAP Reform to support young farmers, for which Mr Caputo (S&D, IT) is the rapporteur.

In that context, a consortium of individual experts presented a study entitled "Young farmers - policy implementation after the 2013 CAP reform". The experts were from the Czech University of Life Sciences, the Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Science and Scotland's James Hutton Institute.

Following on the study presentation, Members heard from a variety of protagonists in the context of a public hearing which addressed the same issue as the study, i.e. how EU policies for young farmers are being implemented. The hearing gathered speakers from the Court of Auditors, the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), the Italian Council for Research in Agriculture (CREA) and the Committee of the Regions.

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
04-12-2017 10:59 AM CET

Wheat field with Brexit stamped on it
This is the reference document of the Workshop on 'The Implications of 'Brexit' for the EU agricultural sector and the CAP' of 9th November 2017, organised by COMAGRI and the Policy Department B. The purpose of this Workshop was to examine and debate the main budgetary, trade and institutional issues related to the Brexit process at the current state of negotiations.

This document is structured in three parts:
1. Possible impact of Brexit on the EU budget and, in particular, CAP funding.
2. EU - UK agricultural trade: state of play and possible impacts of Brexit
3. Possible transitional arrangements related to agriculture in the light of the
future EU - UK relationship: institutional issues

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP

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