Wednesday, March 14, 2018

European Parliament Alerts from the Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee

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Subject files - Working Group on the Digital Single Market - Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection

14-03-2018 10:39 AM CET

The IMCO Working Group (WG) on the Digital Single Market (DSM) restarted its activities on 02.03.15 under the Chairmanship of Ms Thun. Created in 2011, the WG led to the adoption of a number of parliamentary resolutions and became a key platform for in-depth discussion where Members of the EP, the EC, stakeholders and experts exchange views, identify new opportunities and challenges, remaining barriers and propose concrete measures to overcome them in order to make the DSM in the EU a reality.

The importance of the digital economy is widely acknowledged, and the EU has adopted numerous initiatives over the past years to promote the DSM and to exploit the growth opportunities offered by the digital economy. In the past few years, important progress has been made but, however, it is clear that the DSM is far from complete: business and consumers continue facing significant barriers that prevent them from reaping the full benefits it has to offer. The WG Group will continue pursuing its aim of advancing further towards completion of the DSM, unleashing its potential and capitalise on new business opportunities that the digital economy could bring to the EU.

WG Chair: Ms R. Thun Und Hohenstein (EPP)

Honorary Members: Mrs. V. Ford (ECR), Mrs. A. M. CORAZZA BILDT (EPP), Mrs. D. CHARANZOVA (ALDE), Mrs. C. STIHLER, (S&D), Mr. N. DANTI (S&D).

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP

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