| 10 things you need to know today | | | | 1.States send 400 troops to border as feds order 4,000 | A Pentagon memo signed by Defense Secretary James Mattis and released Friday night approves up to 4,000 National Guard members for a "southern border security mission" through the end of September. To start the deployment, Arizona will send 150 National Guard members to police the southern border beginning next week, the state government announced Friday, and Texas will send 250. This is not the first time recent presidents have sent troops to do border patrol; President George W. Bush deployed 6,000 National Guard forces in 2006, and President Obama sent 1,200 in 2010, both claiming the same legal authority President Trump cites now. [The Associated Press, NBC News]    | | | | | | | | | | | | | MOST POPULAR | | | CAPTURED: A PHOTO BLOG | Jacob Lambert | | | |  | Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Unsubscribe from this list | Update subscription preferences | Privacy Policy © 2015 THE WEEK PUBLICATIONS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE WEEK ® IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OWNED BY FELIX DENNIS. | | |
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