Thursday, April 5, 2018

European Parliament Alerts from the Women's Rights and Gender Equality committee

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Highlights - Towards an EU external strategy against early and forced marriages – Vote 12.4.2018 - Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality

05-04-2018 12:29 PM CEST

Portrait Daniela Aiuto
The right to a 'free and full' consent to a marriage is recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Child marriage violates the rights of the female child to be free from all forms of discrimination, inhumane and degrading treatment and slavery. The aim of the draft opinion is to examine how child, forced and early marriage (CEFM) violate human rights and how the EU's external action can best contribute to eradicating this practice. The rapporteur, Ms Daniela Aiuto (EFDD, Italy), invites the EEAS to come forward with a specific strategy to fight against CEFM with specific actions, objectives and dedicated funding with the overall goal of eradicating the practice by 2030 in line with the UN SDGs. 101 amendments have been tabled and 16 compromises have been proposed.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
05-04-2018 11:14 AM CEST

Portrait of Florent Marcellesi
The rapporteur, Mr Florent Marcellesi (Greens-EFA, Spain), points out in the draft opinion the special connection between indigenous women and the ancestral territories, especially in relation to traditional practices around sustainable management of natural resources, the model of community support and resilience and expresses its deep concern about the consequences that land grabbing and resource extraction have in indigenous communities. 60 amendments have been tabled to the draft opinion.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
05-04-2018 10:53 AM CEST

MEP Petir
The rapporteur, Ms Marijana Petir (EPP, Croatia), points out in the draft opinion that non-implementation, improper application and lack of enforcement of the existing EU law in the area of equality between women and men affects the efficiency of the Union, especially when it comes to existing EU legislation tackling the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of women and men. 56 amendments have been tabled to the draft opinion.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP

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