Monday, April 30, 2018

PHE Bulletin April 2018

PHE Bulletin

News and views for the public health sector

April 2018

PHE Bulletin, Public Health England's regular update, provides news and information for all those concerned with protecting and improving the public's health. Visit our website for more information. 

Public health news

Smokefree NHS

Progressing a smokefree NHS

PHE has thanked the NHS for the positive action they have taken towards making the ambition for a smokefree NHS an everyday reality. Ninety per cent of mental health services have already adopted the Preventing Ill Health by Risky Behaviours – Alcohol and Tobacco CQUIN, and many acute services are also implementing this – training staff to develop brief advice as an integral part of patient care, and agreeing local pathways for patients to receive smoking cessation support. A pilot survey of hospitals across the South of England is underway to better understand their current smokefree status, with a view to extending the survey across England later in the year.


The shingles immunisation programme: evaluation of the programme and implementation in 2018

The first evidence from the evaluation of the shingles immunisation programme demonstrates a marked impact on GP consultations for shingles and post herpetic neuralgia (PHN) in those individuals eligible for vaccination, and therefore emphasises the importance of this programme. The shingles vaccine can now be offered opportunistically to patients throughout the year as they become of eligible age. See here for more information.

Public Health Dashboard

Update to the Public Health Dashboard

On 8 May 2018 the Public Health Dashboard will be updated to include the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) local authority groupings as an alternative method for benchmarking similar local authorities.  The terminology used to describe the categories for the summary rank indicators will also change. At the same time the report summarising feedback to date, and a document describing the criteria used for selecting service areas and indicators will be published on the 'About the data' page within the public health dashboard.

Drug equipment

UK Focal Point annual report on drug use published

The United Kingdom Focal Point on Drugs (UK Focal Point), based at PHE, has published its annual report on the national prevalence, impact, prevention and treatment of drug use. UK Focal Point is the national partner of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and provides comprehensive information to the centre on the drug situation in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. See the full report for further information. 

Mutual aid in prison

Mutual aid toolkit for prisons

PHE and Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service have jointly produced guidance for prisons about the importance of having mutual aid groups to help people recover from alcohol and drug dependence. The document outlines the benefits of such groups and gives practical advice on how they can be implemented. This includes specific guidance on obtaining security clearance for mutual aid group members to enter prisons in order to run these groups. The document is part of PHE's Mutual Aid Toolkit which comprises a number of documents aimed at commissioners and treatment service providers identifying how mutual aid can enhance recovery for people with drug and alcohol problems. 

eLearning screenshot

Immunisation e-learning programme now live

Immunisation is a highly successful public health intervention, saving thousands of lives every year. An e-learning programme has been designed in line with the recommendations made in the PHE National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training. This programme has been designed to be relevant to all healthcare practitioners with a role in immunisation.  For more information about the e-learning programme and for details of how to access the programme visit hereThe programme has been developed by Health Education England, e-Learning for Healthcare, Public Health England, Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, Public Health Wales and Public Health Agency Northern Ireland. 

Child's teeth

Hospital Episode Statistics for tooth extractions 2016/17

PHE has published its annual Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) on the number of children aged 0 to 19 years having teeth extracted under general anaesthetic in NHS hospitals. 39,010 children in England had hospital-based tooth extractions due to preventable tooth decay in 2016/17 - similar to the previous year. 

Mother breastfeeding

Breast feeding at 6-8 weeks after birth: Quarter 3 2017/18 

Breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks after birth: Q3 2017/18 have been published. Local authorities are encouraged to prioritise breastfeeding support locally and to increase breastfeeding initiation and prevalence. There is strong evidence that babies who are breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months have lower rates of gastroenteritis, respiratory infection, sudden infant death syndrome, obesity and allergies. (Health matters: giving every child the best start in life - GOV.UK). Quarter 3 2017/18 breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks after birth are available here. 

Photo of pregnant teenager

Teenage pregnancy data: 2016

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published the latest annual teenage conception data for 2016. Compared with 2015, there was a drop of 9.6% in the under-18 conception rate, a reduction of 59.7% from 1998. The under-16 conception rate reduced by 18.9% from 2015. Both rates are now at the lowest level since data collection began in 1969. All regions have seen declines from 2015 but significant inequalities persist between local areas, young people remain at highest risk of unplanned pregnancy and the teenage birth rate remains higher than comparable European countries. A new Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Framework has been published by PHE and the Local Government Association (LGA) to support local areas to make further progress. 

Child with parent

Children living with parents in emotional distress: 2010 to 2016

PHE's Mental Health Intelligence Network has published an update to four indicators reporting on the 'proportion of children living with parent(s) reporting symptoms of emotional distress' as an official statistic. The publication includes information on: 

  • at least one parent reporting symptoms of emotional distress
  • a mother reporting symptoms of emotional distress
  • a father reporting symptoms of emotional distress
  • both parents reporting symptoms of emotional distress

Data covers the period 2010 to 2016 and is by family type and work status. These indicators were published previously by the Department of Work and Pensions.

Person with dementia

Dementia profile becomes an official statistic

PHE's Dementia Intelligence Network has launched the Dementia profile as an official statistic. Alongside the refreshed data, a statistical commentary was published that summarises the update and provides insight into the new metrics that the team have developed over the previous year.

Recent PHE blogs

Specialised commissioning – what does it mean and how are PHE involved?

Shingles: What is it and why do we need to vaccinate against it?

Childhood vaccination

Disease Detectives – The UK Public Health Rapid Support Team 

Cost savings and the economic case for investing in public health

Tooth decay – what is it and how do I spot it?

News from other organisations

Children's Wellbeing and Development for Ages 5, 7, and 11 years and Their Predictors

The London School of Economics (LSE Enterprise), working in partnership with the National Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network, have published a literature review and an analytical report on Children's Wellbeing and Development for Ages 5, 7, and 11 years. These reports identify factors in pregnancy and early infancy and describe how they impact on health, educational and behavioural outcomes in later life. The findings are a result of a comprehensive analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS). The MCS is a multi-disciplinary research project following the lives of around 19,000 children born in the UK in 2000 and 2001. It is the most recent of Britain's national longitudinal birth cohort studies. The study has been tracking the millennium children through their early childhood years and plans to follow them into adulthood. This publication, Health matters: giving every child the best start in life and a blog on child development outcomes are also important resources for health professionals in commissioning and delivering services.

Cut your strings: Resources on domestic abuse

Bournemouth University Film School has developed three short-animated films about domestic violence which were commissioned by the High Sheriff of Dorset. The films focus on coercive and controlling behaviour, highlighting them both as psychological and emotional abuse and as a criminal offence. The Cut Your Strings campaign was made in collaboration with Bournemouth University, the Dorset High Sheriff, John Young, Dorset Police, the Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, Wessex Crown Prosecution Service and Safer Poole Partnership victim support services. To watch the videos and read more about the project see here. 


Upcoming: Teleconference invitation to Health Matters on 'Preventing Type 2 diabetes' Thursday 24 May 2018

The next edition of Health Matters, 'Preventing Type 2 diabetes', will be launched via teleconference (TC) on Thursday 24 May 2018, 12.45pm – 1.30pm. The early signs from the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme are positive and across the majority of England, people at high risk of Type 2 diabetes can now get help through the programme. But more needs to be done to identify those who could benefit from the programme, to streamline the referral process and enhance the lifestyle interventions on offer. Duncan Selbie, Chief Executive of PHE, will be joined for the launch by a panel of experts. The TC will include an interactive Q&A session and will consider the further roll out of the programme, the most effective ways to identify and refer eligible individuals and the effective commissioning of enabling infrastructure. Please register for the TC here.   

Public Health England Annual Conference 2018 – 11 and 12 September: Now open for bookings and abstract submissions 

Bookings are now open for the PHE Annual Conference 2018 which will take place on Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 September at the University of Warwick. This year's conference is focusing on three key themes across the programme:
promoting world-class science and evidence
making the economic case for prevention
working towards a healthier, fairer society
The outline of the programme is now available on the conference website. You are advised to book early, as places have been oversubscribed in previous years. You can book to attend one or both days of the conference, with options to join free pre-conference workshops on Monday 10 September if you book for both days. Further details about the programme will be added over the coming weeks - check the conference website regularly. Abstracts of new public health research, innovations and developments in practice are invited for submission by Thursday 3 May, for potential presentation at the conference. You can find details of the abstract categories and how to submit an abstract online on the conference website. 

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