Friday, July 28, 2017

Global Hazards Weekly Bulletin - 24 to 28 July 2017

Global hazards weekly bulletin

Global Hazards Weekly Bulletin – 24th to 28th July 2017


Landslides kill 5 more

Bangladesh landslide-related casualties continue unabated, 5 more deaths reported



Wild fires across southern France and Corsica threaten homes

Thousands evacuated after wildfire on France's Mediterranean coast



Monsoon rain lashes India, killing 16

48 dead as heavy monsoon rain lashes western India

Torrential rains trigger floods in many states across India

17 more bodies recovered, Gujarat flood deaths rise to 111

600 dead in floods across India, Centre says states sitting on relief funds



Rome takes further drought measures

Two-thirds of Italy hit by drought

Rome risks water rationing as drought-hit lake set to go offline



Evacuation orders, advisories are given to 120,000 in Akita Prefecture following record rainfall

Hundreds of houses flooded in NE Japan following torrential rain



Myanmar floods kill two, displace tens of thousands

Myanmar Floods Displace More Than 130,000


South Korea

Heavy rain sweeps across S. Korea's central regions over weekend

Torrential rain sweeps across South Korea, leaving one dead and blackouts in some areas



Emergency evacuations of at-risk groups amid flooding


Other items of interest

Sharing Resources Across Countries To Fight Wildfires

Guidelines and recommendations for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in the agriculture and food security and nutrition sector – Latin America and the Caribbean

A perfect storm is brewing - and we can prevent it

As Guatemala's Volcano of Fire belches 1,000-foot fountain of lava, PDC helps with new tools to reduce risk

Forest fire threat to escalate, says Indonesia's disaster agency

Resilience in Bolivia: Impact evaluation of supporting communities to adapt to changing weather patterns and improve their livelihoods

Member States Propose Doubling Finance for Water-Related DRR

'Sustainable, inclusive societies,' priority for new President of UN economic and social body

The English national cohort study of flooding and health: cross-sectional analysis of mental health outcomes at year one

Early warnings may blunt trauma of displacement due to flooding

World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine - Climate Change Position Statement

Special lecture on Climate Change Adaptation by Professor Andreas Neef at ADPC

Financing transformative health systems towards achievement of the health Sustainable Development Goals: a model for projected resource needs in 67 low-income and middle-income countries

Weathering storms in Central America: The impact of hurricanes on poverty and the economy

Tracking river flows from space

Caribbean life "as we know it" at serious risk - expert

Can India's poorly planned cities, with their faulty storm water drains, withstand extreme weather?

Climate and disaster risk in transport: No data? No problem!

Are humans to blame for worsening heat waves in China?

Tsunami records show increased hazards for Chile's central coast

Why mangroves matter for the resilience of coastal communities

Motivating ordinary Bangladeshis to respond to extreme weather

Extreme heat in South Asia threatens millions of people

Climate in Crisis: How risk information can build resilience in Afghanistan



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