Thursday, November 30, 2017

European Parliament Alerts from the Women's Rights and Gender Equality committee

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Highlights - European semester for economic policy coordination - Vote - 4.12.2017 - Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality

30-11-2017 04:05 PM CET

Member Evelyn Regner from S&D speaking in Committee in European Parliament
Ms Evelyn Regner (S&D, Austria) is the rapporteur of the FEMM draft position in the form of amendments to the ECON report on the European Semester for economic policy coordination: Annual Growth Survey 2018. The rapporteur has tabled 10 amendments which show that there is still no gender perspective and a lack of gender indicators in the European Semester framework. Twelve additional amendments have been tabled by the other members of the Committee. The draft position includes 22 amendments to the ECON report.

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
30-11-2017 04:01 PM CET

As alarming rates of violence against women and girls persists in various forms, Chair of the Women's rights Committee Iratxe Garcia Perez outlines the urgent EU action needed.
The rapporteur, Ms García Pérez (S&D, Spain) recalls in the draft opinion the joint declaration from November 2013 by the Parliament, the Council and the Commission where it was agreed that the annual budgetary procedures applied to the MFF would integrate, as appropriate, gender-responsive elements and calls for a renewed commitment and monitoring thereof. The draft opinion stresses that gender budgeting must become an integral part of the budgetary procedure at all its stages and also underlines the importance of sufficient financing under the European structural and investment funds of measures supporting good-quality education, employability, entrepreneurship and job creation for women and girls. 30 amendments and 6 compromise amendments were tabled to the draft opinion.

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
30-11-2017 04:00 PM CET

Linnéa Engström, Greens, - Public Hearing on ' Women, Gender Equality and Climate Justice '
Ms Linnéa Engström (Greens/EFA, Sweden) is the rapporteur of a draft report on women, gender equality, and climate justice that investigates the gender dimension of climate change and measures to support women in their actions to adapt to the changing climate in the EU and around the world. Climate change impacts women and men differently, with women more likely to face greater negative consequences. Thus, it is important to factor in these differences into climate change mitigation and adaption strategies and to include women's voices in the formulation of such policies. 197 amendments and 20 compromise amendments were tabled to the draft report.

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP

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