Thursday, November 30, 2017

European Parliament Coming up in the committees

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Coming up in committees

30-11-2017 09:40 AM CET

Services: committee votes on notification, proportionality, professional services
IMCO - 30-11-2017 - 09:39

horizontal folders with services indicated in one of them
The Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection will vote on the following services-related files, on 04.12.17: the proposed enforcement of the Directive on services in the internal market Directive, which lays down a notification procedure for authorisation schemes and requirements related to services; the proposed proportionality test Directive; and the non-legislative report on the need for reforms in professional services.

European Investment Bank guarantee and External Guarantee Fund: committee vote
BUDG - 30-11-2017 - 09:31

The Committee on Budgets will vote on the provisional agreement reached between Parliament and Council representatives regarding the External Lending Mandate (ELM) and the Guarantee Fund for External Actions (GFEA), on 04.12.17. Under the ELM, the EU provides a budgetary guarantee to the EIB for loan and loan guarantee operations in support of EU external policy objectives. The GFEA protects the EU budget from shocks that might otherwise occur in case of defaults on EU guaranteed loans.

Youth Employment Initiative implementation: committee vote
EMPL - 30-11-2017 - 09:36

Two young employees checking product list
The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs will vote on its report regarding the implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) in the Member States, on 04.12.17. Rapporteur Romana Tomc (EPP) notes that the YEI has resulted in youth unemployment becoming a shared EU policy priority. Nevertheless, tackling youth unemployment remains a challenge in a number of Member States.

Women, gender equality and climate justice: committee vote
FEMM - 30-11-2017 - 09:37

Photo of Linnéa Engström
The Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality will vote on its report on women, gender equality, and climate justice on 04.12.17. The report looks into the gender dimension of climate change and measures to support women in their actions to adapt to the changing climate in the EU and around the world. The report notes the importance of factoring gender differences into climate change mitigation and adaption strategies, and to include women's opinions in the formulation of such policies.

Greece - implementation of special measures: committee debate
CONT - REGI - 30-11-2017 - 09:35

Photo of a meeting room full with people
The implementation of the special measures adopted relating to Greece will be discussed jointly by the Committee on Budgetary Control and the Committee on Regional Development. The aim is to look into the results of the Commission's evaluation of the implementation of 181 Structural Funds priority projects, which had been identified for re-launching the crisis-stricken Greek economy. The meeting will take place on 04.12.17.

Other institutions discharge, trust funds in external action: committee debates
CONT - 30-11-2017 - 09:33

Photo of a meeting room full with people
The Committee on Budgetary Control will look into the expenditure and the performance of "Other Institutions" during the financial year 2016, together with their Secretary Generals and Court of Auditors Member, Pietro Russo. The Committee will also discuss the use of trust funds in the field of EU external action, with a particular focus on related operational challenges and ways of ensuring a better political scrutiny from the European Parliament. The meeting will take place on 04.12.17.

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP

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