Friday, April 27, 2018

Apr 27 - Unseen Black Hole Siblings?

April 27
Unseen Black Hole Siblings?
Unseen black hole siblings?
Our Milky Way galaxy is known to have a supermassive black hole at its heart. Could more supermassive black holes be lurking unseen at our galaxy's outskirts?
Tonight and tomorrow night … Moon near Spica
Spica, in the constellation Virgo, is one of our sky's brightest stars. An even brighter object will be nearby, the planet Jupiter.

Traveling by air? Watch for a glory

People traveling in airplanes often see glories. The sun has to be behind your head. You'll see the plane's shadow cast on a cloud, surrounded by a halo of light.
Watch asteroids orbiting our sun
Both NASA and ESA space missions have just released new videos plotting the orbits of tens of thousands of asteroids (and comets) orbiting our sun.

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Traveling by air? Watch for a glory

Our friend Judy Sweeny captured this glory from an airplane window in March 2015, while flying from Addis Ababa to Dubai. Notice the colorful, concentric rings of light.
Sunset at Shell Beach, California
Photographer Mimi Ditchie caught this view on Earth Day weekend.
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