Thursday, April 26, 2018 Senate Floor Today Update

Andrea L. Thompson, of South Dakota, to be Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, vice Rose Eilene Gottemoeller resigned. (04/26/2018 legislative day)

Rohit Chopra, of New York, to be a Federal Trade Commissioner for the unexpired term of seven years from September 26, 2012, vice Joshua D. Wright, resigned. (04/26/2018 legislative day)

Noah Joshua Phillips, of Maryland, to be a Federal Trade Commissioner for the term of seven years from September 26, 2016, vice Julie Simone Brill, term expired. (04/26/2018 legislative day)

Joseph Simons, of Virginia, to be a Federal Trade Commissioner for the term of seven years from September 26, 2017, vice Terrell McSweeny, term expired. (04/26/2018 legislative day)

Christine S. Wilson, of Virginia, to be a Federal Trade Commissioner for the unexpired term of seven years from September 26, 2011, vice Maureen K. Ohlhausen. (04/26/2018 legislative day)

Christine S. Wilson, of Virginia, to be a Federal Trade Commissioner for the term of seven years from September 26, 2018. (Reappointment) (04/26/2018 legislative day)

Rebecca Kelly Slaughter, of Maryland, to be a Federal Trade Commissioner for the term of seven years from September 26, 2015, vice Edith Ramirez, term expired. (04/26/2018 legislative day)

A resolution designating April 2018 as "Second Chance Month". (04/26/2018 legislative day)

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