Friday, May 4, 2018

Briefing - Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027: Commission Proposal - Initial comparison with the current MFF - 04-05-2018

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Briefing - Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027: Commission Proposal - Initial comparison with the current MFF - 04-05-2018
04-05-2018 12:00 AM CEST

On 2 May, the Commission presented its proposal for the Multiannual Financial Framework for the 2021-2027 period (2021-2027 MFF), outlining the structure of the EU budget and the policy priorities of the EU for a period of seven years, together with proposals on own resources financing the EU budget and a proposal to link the EU budget and the rule of law. A series of further legislative proposals presenting the individual spending programmes is expected later in May and June. The Commission proposes that the 2021-2027 MFF (commitment appropriations) amounts to €1 135 billion in 2018 prices or 1.11 % of EU GNI. The previous MFF, converted into 2018 prices and including the European Development Fund (EDF) for comparative purposes, amounted to €1 138 billion or 1.03 % of EU GNI. Note, however, that this comparison does not take account of the various changes in programmes proposed or the impact of Brexit. The number of headings grows from the 2014-2020 MFF to 2021-2027 MFF, from five to seven, and some programmes change place from one heading to another. Regarding the structure of the 2021-2027 MFF, the Commission proposals have the ambition to align the budget closer to the political priorities, to simplify the structure of the EU budget (i.e. a reduced number of programmes), and to increase the flexibility within and between programmes.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP

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