Friday, May 4, 2018

European Parliament Alerts from the Budgetary Control committee

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Highlights - Vote on The impact of EU cohesion policy in Northern Ireland - Committee on Budgetary Control
04-05-2018 12:55 PM CEST

On 15.05.18 the Committee on Budgetary Control will vote on the draft opinion on "The impact of EU cohesion policy on Northern Ireland". Following the signing of the 'Good Friday Agreement', the EU has played a supporting role in the peace process in Northern Ireland mainly by setting the general political framework for relations between the UK and the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland; and by the EU's cohesion policy.

With that in mind, the European Parliament wants to look into the impact of EU cohesion policy in Northern Ireland, with a view to setting out the way forward.

Rapporteur: Derek Vaughan

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
04-05-2018 12:55 PM CEST

Baltic Sea Workshop
On 15.05.2018 the Committee on Budgetary Control will hold a workshop on "EU funding in the Baltic sea: state of play in the combat against Eutrophication". The EU budget contributes to the fight against eutrophication (a process that occurs when excess nutrients - mainly nitrogen and phosphorus generated by human activity - enter a body of water) both via the financing of its internal policies, as well as in the framework of the neighbourhood cooperation with Russia and Belarus.

CONT will debate with experts on the present situation and verify whether the financial support of the EU budget, as well as the Commission's and the Member States' activities have brought any improvement.

Rapporteur: Petri Sarvamaa

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
04-05-2018 12:55 PM CEST

State aid and EU funding
On 14.05.18 the CONT Committee will have a presentation of the external briefing on "State aid and EU funding: Are they compatible?". State aid involves the transfer of state resources. These are resources which are controlled by public authorities. EU funds which are granted directly to undertakings without coming under the control of a public authority of a Member State cannot be considered to be state resources.

However, EU funds channelled through managing authorities become state resources and can constitute state aid if all the other criteria of Article 107(1) TFEU are satisfied.
This briefing will be followed by a CONT public hearing on the same subject on 25 June.

Rapporteur: Inés Ayala Sender

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP

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