Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Congress.gov: Senate Floor Today Update

FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 (08/01/2017 legislative day)

Elaine McCusker, of Virginia, to be a Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, vice John Conger. (08/01/2017 legislative day)

Robert Daigle, of Virginia, to be Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation, Department of Defense, vice Jamie Michael Morin. (08/01/2017 legislative day)

Robert R. Hood, of Georgia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense, vice Stephen C. Hedger. (08/01/2017 legislative day)

Richard V. Spencer, of Wyoming, to be Secretary of the Navy, vice Raymond Edwin Mabus, Jr. (08/01/2017 legislative day)

Ryan McCarthy, of Illinois, to be Under Secretary of the Army, vice Patrick Joseph Murphy. (08/01/2017 legislative day)

Lucian Niemeyer, of Pennsylvania, to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense, vice Sharon E. Burke, resigned. (08/01/2017 legislative day)

Matthew P. Donovan, of Virginia, to be Under Secretary of the Air Force, vice Lisa S. Disbrow, resigned. (08/01/2017 legislative day)

Ellen M. Lord, of Rhode Island, to be Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, vice Frank Kendall III. (08/01/2017 legislative day)

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