Thursday, December 7, 2017

European Parliament Alerts from the International Trade committee

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Highlights - Parliament calls for EU digital trade strategy - Committee on International Trade

07-12-2017 12:07 PM CET

Global network and datas exchanges over the planet Earth 3D rendering elements of this image furnished by NASA
Plenary session will vote on an INTA own-initiative report: Towards Digital Trade Strategy. The report calls for the EU to lead in setting an international regulatory framework for global digital trade and asserts that the WTO is the natural venue for the negotiation of such multilateral rules.

In all trade negotiations the EU should promote fair competition (including fair and effective taxation), net neutrality and intermediary liability protections. The standards on digital trade flows should be set, ensuring market access for digital goods and services in third countries, creating tangible benefits for consumers and promoting respect for fundamental rights. The report foresees social flanking measures to benefit the whole society, such as strong education and training policies, active labour market policies and measures to overcome the digital divide. The Union needs to agree a united EU position on cross-border data transfers, unjustified data localisation requirements, and data protection safeguards in trade negotiations.

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP

This email was sent on behalf of the European Parliament · Bât. Altiero Spinelli · 60 rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 · B-1047 - Bruxelles/Brussels  · Belgium · Phone: +32(0)2 28 42111

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