Thursday, December 7, 2017

European Parliament Alerts from the Agriculture and Rural Development committee

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Latest news - Next AGRI meetings: 11 and 22-23 January 2018 - Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

07-12-2017 03:58 PM CET

Thursday 11 January 2018, 09.00-12.30
Meeting room Altiero Spinelli (ASP) 5G3, European Parliament, Brussels (BE)

Monday 22 January 2018, 15.00-18.30
Tuesday 23 January 2018, 09.00-12.30 and 14.30-18.00
Meeting room József Antall (JAN) 4Q1, European Parliament, Brussels (BE)

Our meetings (except 'in camera') are webstreamed on the EPTV.

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
07-12-2017 03:53 PM CET

wild flowers in front of cultivated field
The committee meeting on 7 December consisted of the hearing on genetic diversity, conservation and crops wild relatives. Crop wild relatives are closely related to our cultivated crops, but grow naturally under a wide range of environmental conditions. They can be crossed with existing crops to produce varieties that are more adaptable to local climates. Furthermore they can be used to develop crop varieties with greater resilience to climate change.

Not only is it important to conserve these species in secure gene banks, it is also important to conserve them in their natural habitats so that they continue to adapt and change. The 'European Biodiversity Strategy' (COM (2011) 244 final) aims to help stopping global biodiversity loss and also reflects EU commitments in the 'International Convention on Biological Diversity'. The purpose of this hearing was to up-date AGRI Committee members on the state-of-play in research and allow for a debate on crop wild relatives, preserving the genetic banks and the role of genetic diversity notably in relation to food security.

Further information
Draft agenda

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
07-12-2017 02:17 PM CET

Wooden Logs with Forest on Background / Trunks of trees cut and stacked in the foreground, green forest in the background with sun rays
The centrepiece of the meeting on 4 December consisted of a hearing on the EU Forest Strategy jointly organised by the AGRI, ENVI and ITRE committees. Its purpose was to assess progress in implementation of the Forest Strategy and to hear the views of stakeholders on cross-cutting forest related issues, such as rural development policy, the bioeconomy and innovation, climate change and biodiversity.

Speakers had been invited from DG AGRI, the European Forest Institute, the Finnish Agriculture Ministry, the Confederation of European Forest Owners, State Forests (Poland), FERN and the expert group of the European Academics Science Advisory Council (EASAC).

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP
07-12-2017 02:16 PM CET

Wooden Logs with Forest on Background / Trunks of trees cut and stacked in the foreground, green forest in the background with sun rays
The public hearing aimed to provide input to the review to be carried out by 2018 to assess progress in the implementation of the EU Forest Strategy. This joint hearing also provided a platform for annual structural dialogue between the Parliament and the Commission on the implementation of the new EU Forest strategy.

The six invited experts discussed in particular European Forest Governance, the role of the forest-based sector in the bioeconomy and in the rural development policy, and the links between forests and resilient landscapes.

Further information
Draft programme

Session 1: European Forest Governance, forestry and forest-based sector in the rural development polilcy
     European forests: EU's most important Natural Capital - M. Palahi, European Forest Institute
     EU Forest Strategy - H. Ganholm, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
Session 2 - Forest-based sector in the bioeconomy, processing industries and innovation
     Speech - P. Freiherr zu Guttenberg, Confederation of European Forest Owners
Session 3: Forests and resilient landscapes, including biodiversity, climate change adaptation and other threats
     EU Forests and climate - H. Aho, Forest and European Union Resource Network
     Mutli-functionality and sustainability in the EU's forests - J. Bäck, University of Helsinki

Source : © European Union, 2017 - EP

This email was sent on behalf of the European Parliament · Bât. Altiero Spinelli · 60 rue Wiertz / Wiertzstraat 60 · B-1047 - Bruxelles/Brussels  · Belgium · Phone: +32(0)2 28 42111

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