Thursday, January 18, 2018

European Parliament Coming up in the committees

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Coming up in committees

18-01-2018 10:36 AM CET

EEAS Discharge, EIB annual report: committee debates
CONT - 15-01-2018 - 19:38

High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini
The Budgetary Control Committee will go over the budget implementation of the European External Action Service for 2016 with High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini. It will also look into the main achievements and impact of the European Investment Bank Group's financing for 2016 with EIB Vice-President Alexander Stubb, in view of the annual report on the control of the EIB's financial activities for the same year. The meeting will take place on 18.01.18.

The future of defence industrial policy: public hearing
ITRE - 16-01-2018 - 19:28

EU flag with blue military style background color, with light and dark blue mimetic patterns
The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy will hold a public hearing on the future of defence industrial policy, which will focus on the current Commission proposal on the European Defence Industrial Development Programme. This is one of the building blocks of the European Defence Fund and should be the forerunner to programmes in the next MFF to support defence industrial development and defence research. The hearing will take place on 22.01.18.

Multiannual plan for small pelagic stocks in the Adriatic Sea: public hearing
PECH - 16-01-2018 - 19:27

Fish stock in wooden crates
The Committee on Fisheries will hold a hearing with experts on the multiannual plan for small pelagic stocks in the Adriatic Sea. The debates will focus on the status of fish stocks and environmental aspects, and on socio-economic situation of the fisheries sector. Anchovies and sardines account for most catches which are mainly split between Italy and Croatia. The hearing will take place on 25.01.18.

Horizon 2020, Cybersecurity: Structured Dialogues with Commissioners
ITRE - 18-01-2018 - 10:36

EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel speaking at a microphone to the left, EU Commissioner Carlos Moedas speaking at a microphone to the right
The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy will hold a Structured Dialogue with Research, Science and Innovation Commissioner Moedas, on 23.01.18. The debate is expected to look into the mid-term evaluation of Horizon 2020 in view of the Framework Programme 9 proposal. Another Structured Dialogue will be held with Digital Economy and Society Commissioner Gabriel, focusing on the Cybersecurity Act legislative proposal, which amongst others, introduces a certification scheme for cybersecurity.

Recognition of foreign qualifications, nuclear energy: debates on petitions
PETI - 17-01-2018 - 19:46

picture of fireman, Doctor, painter and engineer
The Petitions Committee will examine allegations of discriminatory treatment as regards the recognition of national professional qualifications. The petitions from Italy, Spain and the UK relate to the allegedly discriminatory treatment of foreign-language university lecturers and assistants in Italy. The Committee will also look into petitions on nuclear energy issues regarding several Member States, including Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany. The meeting will take place on 23.01.18.

Meetings with Bulgarian Presidency representatives: in committees
COMMITTEES - 16-01-2018 - 19:29

BG Logo of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union - EU2018BG
Parliament's committees are meeting representatives of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union to discuss its priorities in relation to the committees' respective areas of responsibility. These meetings will take place during the week of 22.01.18. The Bulgarian Presidency started in the beginning of January and runs until the end of June 2018.

Further information
Bulgarian Presidency website

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP

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