Thursday, January 18, 2018

European Parliament Constitutional Affairs: Documents

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Highlights - Exchange with Estonian and Bulgarian presidencies of the Council - Committee on Constitutional Affairs

18-01-2018 10:39 AM CET

Estonian Presidency logo
At the first meeting after the winter recess AFCO members will welcome the representatives of the outgoing and upcoming presidencies of the Council of the EU. First, Matti MAASIKAS, Deputy Minister for EU Affairs of the Republic of Estonia, will make an assessment of the outcome of the Estonian Presidency.

After that exchange, the floor will be taken by Monika PANAYOTOVA, Deputy Minister for the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2018, to introduce the programme and priorities of the Bulgarian presidency in the fields of competence of the AFCO committee.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
18-01-2018 10:32 AM CET

Committee vote
There will two votes on 23 January 2018: Future composition of the European Parliament and Revision of the Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission

Future composition of the European Parliament
The Committee on Constitutional Affairs will vote on a new distribution of Parliament's seats for the 2019 -2024 legislative term, which is fair, objective and meets all Treaty criteria. AFCO will also take a vote on the establishment of a joint constituency comprising the entire territory of the Union once the appropriate legal base for this enters into force.

Revision of the Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission
AFCO will also vote on its report analysing the request of the Commission to amend the Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission. The amendment as proposed by the Commission aims to clarify the conditions of participation of the members of the College in electoral campaigns to the Parliament, in respect of the Code of Conduct of the Commissioners.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
18-01-2018 10:11 AM CET

Social protection illustration
At their meeting on 22 January, AFCO will discuss in presence of the European Commission the new proposal for the European Citizens Initiative Regulation 2017/0220(COD). The committee has pleaded for a long time in its reports and legislative initiatives for a revision of the regulation to make it a more accessible, user-friendly tool to foster the participation of EU citizens in the democratic life of the EU. The Commission introduced its proposal in September last year.

After the presentation of this new proposal by the Vice President of the Commission Frans Timmermans to the AFCO and PETI committees, this will be the first opportunity for Members to discuss the proposal.

The Charter of Fundamental Rights and its role in the EU institutions

The Rapporteur on the implementation report on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union in the EU institutional framework, Barbara Spinelli, will introduce for discussion its first working document, which sets out the main orientation of her inquiry in this issue. The working document analyses how the EU institutions integrate the charter in the legislative process and definition of EU policies in fields such as external action and economic governance. It also looks at the dichotomy between rights and principles established in the charter and its interconnection with EU values and EU citizenship.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
18-01-2018 10:04 AM CET

TERR Committee meeting
The committee will discuss the amendment of Rule 174(8), which aims to clarify the voting order of the amendments and notably the decision to vote on certain amendments collectively.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP
18-01-2018 09:54 AM CET

At its meeting on 23 January in the morning, the committee will discuss the latest developments in the Brexit negotiations with Guy Verhofstadt, Parliament's coordinator for the negotiations on the UK withdrawal from the EU, and Danuta Maria Hübner, member of the Parliament's Brexit Steering Group.

Source : © European Union, 2018 - EP

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