March 22, 2018 Yellow fever vaccination is recommended for travelers to many countries in South America and Africa. Currently there is an outbreak in Brazil that is affecting popular tourist destinations, but yellow fever vaccine is only available at a limited number of clinics in the US. Travelers should plan ahead.  CDC has posted a Level 2 Travel Alert for yellow fever in Brazil. Since early 2018, a number of unvaccinated non-US travelers to Brazil have gotten yellow fever and several have died. Vaccination is now recommended for more areas of Brazil than before, including popular destinations like Ilha Grande and the cities of Rio and São Paulo. CDC recommends that people who have never been vaccinated (including those who can't be vaccinated for medical reasons) NOT travel to areas in Brazil where vaccination is recommended. Talk to your doctor before travel to make sure you're prepared. |  | If you need yellow fever vaccination for your next trip, you may need to do more planning than usual to get it. The only US-licensed yellow fever vaccine (YF-Vax) is currently out of stock. The manufacturer has made an alternate yellow fever vaccine, Stamaril, available at select clinics. Stamaril is comparable to YF-Vax in safety and effectiveness. The nearest clinic offering Stamaril may be some distance away and appointments may be limited, so be sure to schedule an appointment to get vaccinated early in your travel planning process. Visit our website to find the Stamaril clinic nearest you. |
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